The place we chose for our half term break was strangely deserted. Some days we saw no one at all. This should have been lovely but was rather unnerving until we found the rhythm of the days. Reading, swimming, sunbathing and eating freshly-caught fish in a wooden restaurant right on the beach.
My birthday passed quietly. Two cards - 37 messages on Facebook. Most of these people wouldn't have sent a card in the old days of snail-mail so that was rather nice. There was plenty of time on holiday for thinking, reflecting, planning.
Reflecting is hard, of course. Thinking things through is difficult too, given all that has happened, and so much of which I do not care to re-live. However, plans must still be made, as the future rolls forward ruthlessly and relentlessly, whether we want it to or no.
I decided I should set myself some goals to attain by my 50th birthday, targets that I can hit no matter what else life throws at me. Here is what I've come up with.
- Keep Thing 1 and Thing 2 happy and healthy
- Spend quality time with my friends and family
- Become healthy and fit
- Be happy by doing happy things
- Publish more poetry
- Write - here, there and everywhere
- Develop a plan for the next 10 years
I do not want to be a Fat Frumpy Fifty. Significant remodelling and reinvention will be required so I'd better get cracking.