I was looking at an article on MSN called "Three words he doesn't want to hear" (you can read it here). I read stuff like this under the flimsy excuse that my very good friend K is just about start dating again and therefore I must carry out research on her behalf.
The piece lists 10 three-word phrases a boy never wants to hear. It does seem to miss some of the more obvious ones so I thought I'd go for another ten. How about:
1.Telly's not working
2. Honey I'm pregnant
3. I'm leaving you
4. I've got xxxx (insert STD of your choice here)
5. My mother's here
6. Let's get divorced
7. Let's get married
8. I'm playing away
9. Your car's disappeared.....
10. You're going bald
Which three little words would I like to hear? My provisional list for today is:
The piece lists 10 three-word phrases a boy never wants to hear. It does seem to miss some of the more obvious ones so I thought I'd go for another ten. How about:
1.Telly's not working
2. Honey I'm pregnant
3. I'm leaving you
4. I've got xxxx (insert STD of your choice here)
5. My mother's here
6. Let's get divorced
7. Let's get married
8. I'm playing away
9. Your car's disappeared.....
10. You're going bald
Which three little words would I like to hear? My provisional list for today is:
1. Eat less cheese
If someone stood by my shoulder and whispered this every time I went near the fridge or did an internet shop, it would probably be the single biggest factor in helping me reach the mythical Size 12.
2. You look gorgeous
Or any kind of compliment, really.....
3. Have a break
I'm working too hard. Even I can see that. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.. It comes with the patch. Maybe in the long run I should find a new patch...
4. Have a cuddle
I'm tactile. I need physical contact. And this would presuppose that the person saying it could recognise I might need a cuddle, which would presuppose that I might be showing a teeny glimpse of vulnerability, which let's face it is not my usual look, which is why people don't think they could cuddle me........ Submarines are hard to cuddle.
5. I'm so sorry
Some people are incapable of apologising, aren't they? And for some things, sorry just isn't enough.
6. Let's run away
We can all fantasise, can't we?!
7. You're really sweet
Guess I'd have to act sweeter before I got to hear this?!
8. I miss you
Hooray - someone would notice that I wasn't there, and be thinking it would be nicer if I was.
9. I'll do that
I know I rarely ask for, and rarely accept, help. So the fact that I don't hear this is entirely my own fault!
10. Sean Bean called
Yeah, right. Like that's going to happen.
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