you must first create the universe.
Carl Sagan.
How far back, exactly, would I need to go to get to square one?
Back before the recession? Back before I pimped the brainchild and went roaring round in my DB9 and helicoptering out to the Barrier Reef? Back before I won the awards? Back before we turned over the magical £1 million for the first time? Back before we started the company? Back before I worked with him? Back before I was any good?
It's an interesting question. I'm not sure I know the answer.
Certainly there is a rolling back. I can't decide whether I should roll with it.
And of course you could argue (if you have the poor understanding of relativity that I do, for all my education) that since time is moving inexorably on, we can never go back - the only direction of travel is forwards. Even if I'm in situation similar to one I've been in formerly, I'm a different person now, with all that experience under my belt, and therefore it won't be the same.
It won't be the same. I'm older, more tired, more jaded, less optimistic, less energetic. I have amassed some experience, for sure: and we know this only ever comes the hard way. I'm not sure I'd have the thrust, the urge, the sheer bloody-mindedness to do it all again.
Even if I wanted to.
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