Saturday, 1 January 2011


And another year begins.

And I am still here. How did that happen?


Simple resolutions this year (and perhaps more chance of keeping them?)

1. Be happy (I stole that one...thank you...)
2. Exercise
3. Write

Help me?

1 comment:

  1. We need to sign up for Zumba, organise a few poetry reading(s) locally and go to some London ones too. I'll nag you to go on a residential writing course if you'd like to do that. There are also some local writing groups I think it may be good to introduce you to - plus a few salon style meetings chez moi. How does that sound? Will it help? Happiness? Far too big for a comment box. Box of wine may help facilitate that particular philosophical discussion though! I'll stock up my wine cellar shall I? ;-)
