Thursday, 31 December 2009

Year's End

For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.

~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"
I have a flourescent green Post-It sticking to the side of my screen at home. It's been there for over two years (I have very messy office - "creative", I like to think). Scribbled on it, very small, is a list of ten things I jotted down on a train, thinking about what I'd like to have achieved before I die.

As it's the time of year to be thinking about resolutions, I thought I might consider this list as one inspiration. For in 2010 I do intend to be inspired rather than ground down. The signs are already good.

So here it is, to be pondered.
  1. Learn to tango
  2. Visit India
  3. Visit Venice (done this now, so I need to replace this one)
  4. Play Lullaby of Birdland on the piano, no mistakes (getting there...)
  5. Write a novel
  6. Be size 12
  7. Be on TV
  8. Visit New Zealand
  9. Learn to do tumble turns
  10. Own a Chagall
Which of these should I focus on in 2010? Number 10 is going to be highly unlikely in the current business climate. Numbers 2 and 8 also look unlikely. I refuse to acknowledge that the recurrence of 5 and 6 for a number of years now indicates anything other than work pressures....

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