Sunday, 18 April 2010

Prince Charming

"I was thinking," he said. "If Russia wanted to annexe Poland, now would be the perfect time. Their control structure is weak after the plane crash, and there is no air cover. They could walk straight in with tanks and it would all be over in a day".

Fuck. I am married to a man who can conceive of worse wickedness than Putin. How about that.

I reckon I'll choose my next husband more carefully (hollow, ironic laughter). Third time lucky, heh? One of the questions on my extensive suitability quiz will be about favourite books. As some of the indicators I used both times before (music, films, cuisine for instance) have proved to be a poor basis for long term matching.

My first husband's favourite book was Hermann Hesse's Das Glasperlenspiel. A great book, yes, but what kind of a person would take it as their seminal text? That's not a rhetorical question: I know the answer to that one. Hence my first divorce.

Oooh, Freudian slip only divorce. So far.

And now. My favourite book: Le Petit Prince. His: The Prince.

Shouldn't that have told me everything?

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